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QUIZ sobre manejo de Medicación en pacientes con Trastorno Limítrofe de la Personalidad

Ejecicio basado en:  “Medication Management for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder” by  J Gunderson.

Autor del ejercicio Dr. Sergio Grosman – Agosto 2018

·         Responda las preguntas en orden.
·         Pase a la página siguiente en la que está desarrollada cada respuesta (En  Ingles)  con su respectiva referencia bibliográfica y link.

1.       ¿Qué porcentaje de los pacientes  que atendemos  los psiquiátricas  en  un marco ambulatorio reúne criterios para el Dg de T. de Personalidad Limítrofe?
a.       Entre un 2 y un  8 %
b.      Entre un 7 y un 27%
c.       Entre un 25 y un 43%
d.      Entre un 35 y 62 %
e.      Todes son border incluso mis amiges  

2.      ¿Qué medicamentos muestran efectividad para el tratamiento  de  Trastorno de Personalidad Limítrofe?
a.       Hay evidencia de que apoya que los IRS  tienen moderada efectividad  disminuyendo la impulsividad y son de elección en el tratamiento  primario del TPL.
b.      No se recomienda el uso de IRS porque  los pacientes con TLP que  los reciben aumentan riesgosamente  la frecuencia de autolesiones y pensamientos  suicidas.
c.       No hay evidencia que demuestre que algún medicamento tiene efectividad en el tratamiento primario del TLP.
d.      Hay evidencia de que apoya que los antirecurrenciales mejoran y estabilizan el estado anímico de pacientes con TLP independientemente de si tienen T. Bipolar .
e.      Hay evidencia  que demuestra que los antipsicóticos atípicos   ayudan  disminuir la ansiedad y la tendencia a la desorganización  de de los pacientes  con TLP.

3.       ¿Qué efectividad tiene la Lamotrigina  en el TLP?
a.       Leer el articulo J

4.      ¿Cuál es la co-morbilidad de T. Bipolar y TLP ?
a.       El  TLP debe considerarse parte del espectro bipolar.
b.      La comorbilidad es del 62%
c.       La comorbilidad es del 15%
d.      La comorbilidad es del 45%
e.      La comorbilidad es del 32%

5.       ¿Cuál es la terapéutica con más evidencias?
a.       Solo la Terapia Dialectico Comportamental tiene evidencias favorables
b.      Terapia  Dialectico Comportamental, Terapia Basada en Mentalización y Terapia Centrada en la Transferencia.
c.       Ninguna psicoterapia reúne evidencias que superen a los cuidados habituales.
d.      El modelo CPP supera a todos, en todas las canchas y si no es así tráigalo a cámara.  

6.      ¿Cuál es la evolución natural  del TLP?
a.       Todos los trastornos de personalidad son estables a lo largo del tiempo y si el paciente deja de reunir criterios es probable que haya sido mal diagnosticado inicialmente.
b.      De los pacientes con TLP a los 2 años  el 39% no reúnen criterios  para ese diagnostico  y  a  los  10 años el 80 %  no  reúne  los criterios  .
c.       A los 5 años solo el 25 % de los pacientes con TLP evolucionan en forma favorable como para dejar  de reunir criterios diagnósticos. 

1- ¿Qué porcentaje de los pacientes  que atendemos  las psiquiátricas, en un marco ambulatorio, reúne criterios para el dg de T. de Personalidad Limítrofe?

The prevalence of borderline personality disorder (BPD) in outpatient clinics varies greatly (7%-27%) depending on the setting and methodology.
In our study 22.6% incidence / mean age was 40.2 years, 75.4% were female, most patients were unable to work, and they averaged 3.8 lifetime hospitalizations.
Estimating the prevalence of borderline personality disorder in psychiatric outpatients using a two-phase procedure. Compr Psychiatry. 2008 Jul-Aug;49(4):380-6.  

2- ¿Que medicamentos muestran efectividad para el tratamiento  del  trastorno limítrofe de personalidad?

No medication has been shown to be an adequate primary treatment agent
No medication has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for borderline personality disorder. The U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has concluded that psychoactive medications should not be used for borderline personality disorder except for the treatment of co-occurring disorders, and then only for the shortest possible time
Both patients with borderline personality disorder and their clinicians can at times idealize the potential effects of medications.
Frequently receive prescriptions for mood stabilizers, whose use is then sustained over time . In the absence of benefits from these medications, patients with borderline personality disorder receiving them—or any other ineffective medication—may suffer unnecessary side effects, postpone getting more effective treatments, and, even as their despair grows, cling to the seductive message that their future might depend on medication effects. The need for caution is underscored by recognizing lamotrigine’s potential for severe complications, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.

3- ¿Que efectividad tiene la Lamotrigina en el TLP?

Mike Crawford, M.D. et al – 2018
The authors examined whether lamotrigine is a clinically effective and cost-effective treatment for people with borderline personality disorder.
This was a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial. Between July 2013 and November 2016, the authors recruited 276 people age 18 or over who met diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder. Individuals with coexisting bipolar affective disorder or psychosis, those already taking a mood stabilizer, and women at risk of pregnancy were excluded. A web-based randomization service was used to allocate participants randomly in a 1:1 ratio to receive either an inert placebo or up to 400 mg/day of lamotrigine. The primary outcome measure was score on the Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder (ZAN-BPD) at 52 weeks. Secondary outcome measures included depressive symptoms, deliberate self-harm, social functioning, health-related quality of life, resource use and costs, side effects of treatment, and adverse events.
A total of 195 (70.6%) participants were followed up at 52 weeks, at which point 49 (36%) of those in the lamotrigine group and 58 (42%) of those in the placebo group were taking study medication. The mean ZAN-BPD score was 11.3 (SD=6.6) among those in the lamotrigine group and 11.5 (SD=7.7) among those in the placebo group (adjusted difference in means=0.1, 95% CI=−1.8, 2.0). There was no evidence of any differences in secondary outcomes. Costs of direct care were similar in the two groups.
The results suggest that treating people with borderline personality disorder with lamotrigine is not a clinically effective or cost-effective use of resources.
Borderline personality disorder is distinct from bipolar disorder, and that placebo may be an effective treatment when delivered in the context of good clinical management.

4- ¿Cuál es la co-morbilidad de T. Bipolar y TLP?

It is now known that the actual co-occurrence of borderline personality disorder and bipolar I or II disorder is only about 15%, that the coaggregation of bipolar and borderline personality disorders in families is only modest, and that the two disorders have little effect on each other’s course and only rarely evolve into each other-
Gunderson JG, Stout RL, Shea MT, et al.: Interactions of borderline personality disorder and mood disorders over 10 years. J Clin Psychiatry 2014; 75:829–

5-¿Cuál es la evolución natural  del TLP?

A total of 290 inpatients meeting criteria for both the Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and DSM-III-R
Eighty-eight percent of the patients with borderline personality disorder studied achieved remission. In terms of time to remission, 39.3% of the 242 patients who experienced a remission of their disorder first remitted by their 2-year follow-up, an additional 22.3% first remitted by their 4-year follow-up, an additional 21.9% by their 6-year follow-up, an additional 12.8% by their 8-year follow-up, and another 3.7% by their 10-year follow-up. Sixteen variables were found to be significant bivariate predictors of earlier time to remission. Seven of these remained significant in multivariate analyses: younger age, absence of childhood sexual abuse, no family history of substance use disorder, good vocational record, and absence of an anxious cluster personality disorder, low neuroticism, and high agreeableness.
Zanarini et Al.  Prediction of the 10-year course of borderline personality disorder. Am J Psy. 2006 May;163(5):827-32.

6-¿Cuál es la terapéutica con más evidencias?

The literature on treating borderline personality disorder emphasized evidence-based psychotherapies such as dialectical behavior therapy, mentalization-based therapy, and transference-focused psychotherapy, which are intensive in both their training and clinical resource time requirements.


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